Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery

Northwest Texas Healthcare System was one of the first hospitals in the region to use the da Vinci® Surgical System, an advanced robotic platform that enables doctors to perform complex procedures using smaller incisions than standard surgery with tiny,  precision tools operated robotically. This may result in less pain, scarring, trauma and blood loss than other surgical procedures so that people can potentially return to work and daily activities more quickly. Surgeons at Northwest Texas Healthcare are using the technology for prostate, gynecologic, kidney, bariatric (weight loss) and other gastrointestinal surgery.

By enabling efficient access throughout the abdomen or chest, the da Vinci Xi™ Surgical System expands upon core da Vinci Xi System features, including wristed instruments, 3D-HD visualization, intuitive motion, and an ergonomic design. As with all da Vinci Xi Surgical Systems, the surgeon is 100 percent in control of the robotic-assisted da Vinci Xi System, which translates his/her hand movements into smaller, more precise movements of tiny instruments inside the patient’s body. The Xi System’s immersive 3D-HD vision system provides surgeons a highly magnified view, virtually extending their eyes and hands into the patient. 

Minimally-Invasive Advantages

Both robotic surgery and laparoscopic surgery are known as minimally invasive procedures. In both procedures, small incisions are used, which may result in less post-operative pain, reduced blood loss, less need for blood transfusions and a potentially faster return to normal activities. The two major drawbacks of conventional laparoscopy are that it relies on the use of rigid, hand-held instruments and visualization provided by a standard 2D video monitor. While the procedures are performed using small incisions, the surgeon's depth of field, dexterity and precision may be variable.

Single-Incision Surgery

The latest daVinci® Surgical System offers a capability for single-incision surgery. In this procedure, the surgeon accesses the body through a single port placed through the patient's bellybutton. Instead of the standard four to six incisions for colon resection, gallbladder removal, and hysterectomy, the procedure is done with a single incision less than one-inch in length.

Learn about robotic prostate, kidney and gynecologic surgery

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure. Talk with your doctor about these risks to find out if robotic surgery is right for you.

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To find a surgeon or another type of physician affiliated with Northwest Texas Healthcare System, contact our free physician referral service at 800-887-1114.